Wednesday 6 December 2023

Schools and education.

Can't believe it is midweek already, and today I had a meeting with my sons school, about moving up to seondary school, and they transition the children at my son's school to move on up into a secondary school, and am a litttle anxious about it, because my son has already been to three schools, because they couldn't meet my sons needs and had to change classes in his new school he start this academic year and would like him to stay in one class with the children and I thought that was one of the reasons the local authority made the choice of him to change schools. He kepr changing classes in his first primary school, and second and so feel frustrated by it. I just want my son to have a good education, and be settled. 

I want him to get a lot out of it and one issue he was having was relating to other kids and interacting with them so he can real peers, 

Things need to change in the schools, and I was praising schools and is different from when I went to school, but feel very let down. 

My son had ADHD and really struggled with concentrating and would have one to one support. In his new school he doesn't and is learning with other kids which is good, I just don't want him to have to keep changing classes. How can he form friends if this continues, and so hope that moving to secondary school will go ok.

I still got another year, but still feel very pressurised and not knowing where to begin to look at secondary schools, his current school recommends, as one of the mothers was saying that one of th LAN schools she had visited the children seems very advanced and felt that her child struggle in moving to this secondary school, so I pray that we make the right choice,

The school systems do need to change and feel that with understanding learning difficulties all schools should provide the right education to suit all kids and meet their values that they say the have, do kids can stay in one school unless the child or parent decides its not the right school for their child. 

It shouldn't be decided by the school or local authority.

Please comment below if you have had problems with schools too, and what you think of the school systems in Britain and if they could be better. You can leave a comment below. 

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 

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