Monday 4 December 2023

A Good Weekend to recharge my batteries

So another beginning of the week. It was a good weekend. We were going to go to a football match but my son wanted to stop in and so we did. It was super cold. We popped out in the morning, but then had quiet day and played some football indoors and watched some football on the TV and did some filming, for another vlog. I post twice a week on my Youtube channel, Typical London Gal Carrie Holmes.

Today I feel a lot better and felt I had a good chance to unwind down and really recharge my batteries and stepping back is often what you need. 

Just let go. Let go of the negative feelings, the feeling of business and overwhelme and take time out. So important to continue to build yourself, and get back your deterimination and focus.

I am all about happy living and what makes you look forward to each day. 

Get rid of the anxious feelngs each day. Worrying about what each day will bring and enjoy your life. 

Yes life can be tough, because we feel we have to put others first, when in fact you need to look after yourself first to be there for others and just some self care and away from screens can help feel better and refreshed. 

Turn off youi phone at night to make sure you have a good nights sleep and a tip from Mel Robbins, who I am watching now as I write this blog, (, move your phone away from your bed, and since doing this for about 2 years it has really made a difference.

I think we consume so much that its no wonder we get stressed and have a headache.

Slow down and give yourself a break and if you need to delegate and others offer to help then accept it.

Or if you feel bringing self on board and start looking around you to see who you know who can help and don't put doubt in you and fully supportive of you. 

Life is not about rushing around but putting you feet in front of the other and building your happiness and wellbeing. 

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X 

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