Friday, 9 September 2022

Queen to a King, RIP Her Majesty and King of England

It is Friday and yes, the Queen has died and feel a little strange today. I have had a little cry and trying still taking it in. What a wonderful woman she was and I have written new blog on my site: Wife, Mum and Monarch if you'd like to read it. 

So as I write the blog I am listening to music and yes it is Brother hood of man, save all your kisses, a song that I used to sing to my son as a baby when changing his nappy. I am not going to think of the Queen as gone, but that as I write in the blog above, "Putting her feet up at last" as she did so much up until yesterday and now is with her husband again, her mum and her sister. 

I know it is going to feel strange, but now we have a King and I bet for King Charles it will be strange for him too and its hard to adjust to change. We may not like it, but it has to, to keep the world revolving. I will be crying when she is laid to rest and on Saturday, tomorrow I want to go up to Buckingham Palace and lay some flowers. 

Thinking of the Royal Family I do feel some proudness that I come from London and English, because not all countries have a Royal Family, and people travel far far away to visiting their homes, and so feel nostalgic. It is going to take time I feel for the world not just England and help celebrate that we have a new King, who I think will do his mother proud. I was very negative once upon a time, because of Princess Diana, but a lot has changed because of that and feel that wounds can heal. 

So I am off now but I will back over the weekend and so if I don't get a chance to write tomorrow, I will again on Sunday. 

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 

Typical London Gal 


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