Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Giving up on McDonalds/Donating to give aid

That's it no more McDonalds as I just had a Medium Legend Chicken burger and did not enjoy at all, and so yes and already bought today chicken korma and chips to have but didn't want to do any cooking, I know and it is only Monday and so going to be my last. 

I can't have too much diary and so McDonalds is off the list and stick to what I have bought and I am going to have next time I don't want to cook, create chicken wrap with salad. 

Monday is a day where I will concentrate on my blogs, and I am still taking on the Email challenge but today been checking my emails from another account so not had a chance to have a clear out, but may do some tonight, before bed time. 

I will get back into sorting out my most full email account tomorrow, but off to Putney tomorrow to visit some charity shops, I have been wanting to check out, and may film this when I do but will let you know. 

If you'd like to check out my main Youtube channel where I film my Days of my life featuring my email challenge and me visiting certain shops, then you can via this link:

Tomorrow it is International Women's Day and being women I feel we do so much and so will be writing a few blogs about the day and will be posting on everyone can build a castle about it, so will be blogging on this site twice this week because of that: https://everyonecanbuildacastle.com

Then I will be filming like a haul video, of items purchased from start of the year to now, and so that will go up either Wednesday or Friday. 

I do feel so bad being able to buy a McDonald's when you have people fleeing where they live because of war and so going to do my bit, and give anyway I can. I have taken some time out of today from the news as it really pulls at my heart strings. I just hope all is resolved and stop war kicking off. 

It looks like it won't though and it really made me cherish what I have and stop complaining when there are people who are scared to stay at home. 

Does it have to get worse before it gets better? No! The people who influence war are not to be given the time or day, but I am going to go through my sons clothes and see if we can donate towards the Ukrainians who have had to flee their home.

Let me know if you have given and live in London and where, as I would like to do the same. 

You leave a comment below. 

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 

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