Sunday 30 June 2024

A Weekend in a life

Friday: Oh I am tired! I did not sleep well as it took an eternity to get to sleep and heard shouting outside and then my son had a toilet accident and so got up made a cup of tea watched 5 minutes of TV and I think next time I will stay downstairs for a bit before getting some sleep. 

A new pudding/drink I had lastnight made by my step dad. I can't remember what is was called but was lovely.

If you didn't know I am working for Epsom Hospital Radio and goes so quickly and you really have to concentrate and made a mistake at the end, but that is all part of learning and will get it right and did the show with little supervision. 

Saturday: Was a good day off yes it is the evening now and not normally on my laptop in the evening but I don't have to get up early, but will be as I got to film something for my counselling course I am doing and today watched Celine Dion's documentary "I am Celine Dion" and then Bon Jovi "Thank you and Goodnight" and had a lovely dinner and now going to watch a bit of Youtube and waiting for a pudding and then be off to Bedfordshire. AKA night nights. 

Sunday: I have been having a bit of a lazy morning, washed my hair, worked on a video as mentioned above and met my sons dad had our Sunday coffee and then did a bit of shopping and filmed more for my vlog channel Typical London Gal, and showed what I bought.

I am getting ready for the football later and my husbands is cooking dinner so get a day off from cooking and going to play football with my son out in the garden and then it will be the end of the another weekend. I am still buzzing by seeing Cyndi Lauper as it was booked last minute, check out my previous blog and so means school, running errands got to go back over to Wimbledon to vote in the Election, pick up my sons pocket money and need to buy another set of headphones for my laptop as forgot my usual pair, but could do with spare and get the large size headphones. 

Then there is football. England are playing and I will be watching and a little anxious of how it is going to go. Will the team show up and play better as they haven't been on top form and part of me thinks they will go out and that its going to be another close call and waiting can be the hardest part. 

If you aren't English or care about Football then I know many of won't get why I am anxious about it.

I want to see England win a trophy and I love the game, and it will so good as a nation, being that we at least got to win once again in a major tournament, but we will see. 

Enjoy your weekend, the rest of it and that is hasn't been to bad for yourself and will post again as we get near to a new week. 

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 


Thursday 27 June 2024

What a week in my life looks like

Yes it is another week and not sure why but my son is full of energy.

Mondays: means school again, setting an alarm and deciding what to wear, whether we need our rain coats on or not, sun cream, a hat and if my son has PE and Swimming and just making sure my memory doesn't fail me. 

My set up in my garden in Epsom and felt so nice to do enjoy the glorious weather this week

Thank the lord for modern technology and got back into using Notion, which is a programme to help plan as I was using OneNote which has been helpful, but because it has a certain amount of storage and had to delete items for spare storage felt it was a good opportunity to use Notion and I do really like it and got to grips with it now, as I was unsure. I am in the garden as it is a nice morning feel the weight of the morning drift away and getting out in he garden before it gets too hot to do so. Living in England you never know when the weather will change and so good to make the most of it and perfect temperature at the moment. 

Tuesday: Henry was not playing ball this morning and took ages in eating his breakfast, getting dressed, brush his teeth and putting on sun cream, and so been a challenge but he has now gone and got a good chance of getting the bits I need to get done today before he returns and going to be making my meal plan for the week, do a bit more editing of my book When Mothers Are Real, my current book I am editing to get published. 

Wednesday: I get up today my son is still in bed and which is the first and told me to go back downstairs. What its like to not be wanted. So I go to get him up and he has gone back to his bed and watch his tablet. It is going to be an interested start to the day. He wants to muck about and it means having to have a daily battle and yet I know these years are the most precious time and that kids grow up quickly, but they say it gets easier for me it's never felt like that way, and have to gather myself now he has gone off to school. So get on with doing the things I planned to do today and that a light will go off so he gets ready for school like a breeze and is a temporary set back and not feel like I am nagging and losing the will to live. 

Thursday: After seeing Cyndi Lauper at the Albert Hall in London, Wednesday evening I am up at 5am to travel back to Epsom before his dad goes off to school and thankful that the transport was good today as it can be temperamental and so relieved and now here I am completing this blog. 

Friday: Henry is off from school as he has an Inset Day and my son wants to walk from Epsom to London Waterloo and so not gonna think about tomorrow, as at the moment I am feeling the apprehension about this, so will see. I like walking, but I am a bit worried about getting back to Epsom, being it is Fish n chips day and I do my radio show, so will be a long day. 

Then it is the weekend and recharging. 

Does this resonate with you? Are you days like this? Please leave a comment below and going to enjoy the rest if Thursday.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X   

Saturday 22 June 2024

Hoping for a good weekend

The Weekend in here and realising that next week it is an inset day for  my son and he has decided that he wants to walk again from Epsom to London Waterloo via all of the stations. Looks like it is going to be a long day. 

I like the fact that my son is ambitious but not sure after Thursday's walk whether it will be a good idea as he moaned by the route we took and wanted to walk directly pass the station via the common, so will find a route to see if that is possible to walk, that will take us home.

However going to enjoy the weekend. It is a night in for me as I am usually working on Epsom Hospital radio, so we had a Pizza and watched the football and hope the weather continues to be nice and will film some of it. 

We are chilling and my son was getting me up today as decided to sleep in which now it doesn't feel right so going to continue to get up normal time between 5 to 6am and feel so good for it.

I know why? Because I feel so better for it and get such a head start. It is good to have that extra bit of time to work on projects, have a nice cup of tea without interruption and no worrying about school and catch up on a bit of TV. 

I do tend to watch James Martins Show and repeats of Cheers, and Everyone Loves Raymond. 

Then it is clothes. I am a casual gal and love my leggings, jeans and tracksuit bottoms and shorts in the summer and gym gear, because I am usually playing football or rugby with my son, and what is comfortable and what I am realistically I am going to wear.

My Hayfever is really bad, as soon as I came inside from playing football from the garden had a sneezing fit and so today need to buy some more house tissues and going to get something for it as it is getting to me a bit. 

We have shopping being delivered and doing it online has saved me money check out my recent video talking about Monitoring my money: Life and Money - YouTube and we did do this for a while and then started to shop instore but think that I'd buy our groceries for shopping and did a list and stuck to it. 

It avoids impulse shopping and go for some of the deals but do the maths to make sure if it is a good deal or not and what alternative can we buy that will help us save the pennies and go towards the next shop. 

At the moment my son is playing up as he is restless and so will be popping out soon so he can let off some steam as he gets bored and starts to play up so he definitely keeps us on our toes. 

So anyway it is coming to the time where the shopping will be arriving and have some food again, as we are almost empty and it is good, and would recommend having a picture of cupboard and fridge with food that will feed us for the week and am trying my best to have so much waste. 

What do you do when a kid won't stop wanting something to eat? Honestly, such a challenge at the moment and not even 10am. 

However going to pop out and then come back and if weather is okay play some football.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X 

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Went to a lovely Afternoon tea party

It has been a good week so far. Well yesterday was challenging as I took Henry to the doctors because he keeps itching and so wanted it to be checked out and it seems his Eczema has returned, not having it for such a long time. 

I wrote a blog can't remember which site but he no longer has eczema, yet its returned. 

He goes back to school today, as parenthood is challenging because he is full of energy and that we had him checked out and that he didn't have an infection which I was worry about. I went for an Afternoon tea up at the Epsom Downs at the Racecourse and was so nice. 

I met some brilliant people who are volunteers and NHS medical staff and everyone was so friendly. 

Ian who I work with on Epsom Radio on a Friday. Not on this week but will back the week after and so I am so glad a went. 

Epsom Downs is beautiful and wished I had taken more pictures, but there was a photographer and so wasn't sure if it was okay, so next time I will ask. 

The Afternoon tea was lovely but had a couple of coffees and couldn't sleep last night but was worth it. 

I am not longer going to bed too early as lastnight couldn't get to sleep and finally drifted off but had to go back downstairs and even my son was like "We need to stay up later" so going to do that tonight and taking Henry to the park later when he returns from school and if it doesn't rain as it looks like it might do. 

Today I plan to edit another vlog and thinking about making, come Summer vlogs, some changes and have a good sort out, of my Epsom where I live with my husband and son in the week and then weekends and school holiday in Wimbledon and please check out my Youtube channel vlog channel Typical London Gal Carrie Holmes Typical London Gal Carrie Holmes

So going to start getting the things I plan to do today and have a good Wednesday and more blogs to come.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X 

Monday 17 June 2024

My Dedication to Football

So England won, and I was not enthusiastic as I began to watch and Serbia were firing on all cylinders and not a side to underestimate, so won by the skin on their teeth and so next it is Denmark. 

I developed an interest in football because of 1990 world cup which I have shared before, and do like the game, I just find that we don't take any risks when they play and need runners of the ball and I suppose I should be a bit more supportive and that they are only human too so will not get carried away, but be more cheerful about it. 

When you've seen a lot of times where we just, like turn up and not qualify, but perhaps I need to stop reminiscing and that they are different set of players and that we have gotten close and that they will do better than what we are expecting. It is a sport so someone has to win or lose and not everyone is going to show up or just play well and just unlucky and hope Scotland can forget their first game and do well as expecting and boost the English and Scottish game.

Sometimes you just have to get on with it and so going to wait and see and that if it is a successful tournament for both Scotland and England, then who am I to judge. 

How do you feel? Are you optimistic or just wait and see with me? 

You can comment below. 

I remember my dad he was into all sports and loved football and would moan a lot about it and sometimes I have to get a hold of myself, that I am being just like that and that England has no chance in hell in winning, so will take every game as it comes. 

Perhaps I should play as I am listening to music as I write this blog, the England Song The World in Motion and be a bit more cheerful. 

I would not stop singing this song at secondary school and my friends and I would go into the WHSmiths in Sloane Square or in Victoria Station, and whilst my friends would look in music magazines and teenage mags, I would check out the Football mags and I did have a super crush on Glen Hoddle from when he took over as manager of Chelsea, and buy all the football mags that had a photo of him and suspect that I had more pictures than he did. 

Paul Gascoigne was one of my favourite players along with Gary Lineker, John Barnes, and my most favourite player is Gordon Strachan and yes he is Scottish but was unstoppable when he played and never stop running and would be so fast with the ball that he made it look so easy to run with the ball and even when the rest of the players weren't doing well, he still would try and get a goal and took a long time to knock down and was a regular target for players who tried to stop him. 

Who is your favourite player? Again leave a comment below.

So lets see. 

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X 


Sunday 16 June 2024

How will England FC do tonight?

So how will England play tonight in the Euros and some of us may not be interested and part of me is not sure I want to watch it. Yes I am being a Pessimist and should have faith but watching so many and seeing England got bit in their last friendly before the Euros and I am not positive. 

I want to believe they have a chance, I am just not getting my hopes up. 

It was a good chilled out weekend, but got told off in ASDA for filming, when I have filmed in there before and never been an issue, and do respect others who may not be filmed, I love their clothing and complimenting the clothes, so not sure if I will continue to shop in there now, and prefer to buy online anyway and has made me want to shop elsewhere. 

When it comes to shopping like to do it in the week and only go up there because my husband and is tricky to walk there. This could be a money saver by not going there, and not buy because it is on offer and the price doesn't always match the product. 

Also I do prefer to shop online rather than in store and going to use it to save, so often when we have a bad experience, it is time to re-address what we are doing and what we can get from it to turn it into a positive. 

Apart from that it was good to just do very little and relax. 

Sometimes it is good to not be with our phones and like today used it to listen to music whilst I cook dinner but not looked at social media and watched Dirty Dancing. The original Dirty Dancing with Patrick Swayze, and not watched it for a long time. 

My son has what looks like eczema and so going to see if can get advice from the GP as used many creams but still itching so going to see if they can recommend on what we can do, and according to a report today on radio jacket the Pollen is going to quite high so will see if I can get medicine for that just in case as my son and I both suffer with it. I never did as a kid but as I have gotten old and my son from the last two years or so suffered with it. 

So yes so going to check on dinner and more blogs to come. 

You can subscribe if you'd like to be notified when I post a blog and never miss one.

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 

Friday 14 June 2024

The Weekend in upon us

It is the weekend and sorry for not posting enough on here it has been a week where I had appointments and doing a couple of courses so had to get those done and the days just gone so fast. Last night I did my radio show and boy it is like doing a workout but did it and I always get butterflies beforehand and the self doubt comes to life but it is always enjoyable so part of it is excitement. 

Route we take to leatherhead station and is a real nice walk that I have been doing on Thursdays and building my steps for the week.

Next week is going to be different as I am not doing the radio show and will spending time with my son as his father is off out and so will be entertaining my 10 year old and so thinking Pizza and a movie, with some popcorn and some other bits to go with it and just have a mother and son night in. 

It is going to be strange but time with my son in precious when he's not being a monster. 

My son plays up when he is hungry and tired, and fights it. He likes to still have cuddles in the evening and an occasional story before bed, and has so much energy that it is tiring and so thank god for coffee. 

This morning we are off to ASDA's and so going to film my weekly shop, and my son loves being in charge of the trolley and has the knack of picking something random and putting it into the trolley and not realizing when I go to check out. 

I like to plan ahead and know what I have done and want to do next and work on different projects and today we may go up to London. I haven't told my son incase we don't go because of the weather. It is sunny now but can change, so if we go want it to be a surprise as he wanted to go to London Waterloo when I picked up on Thursday as he has a afterschool club and travel back by train. 

It is the Trooping of the colour so there will be a fly path which we love to see and so if we do then I will include it is a vlog and check out my vlog I uploaded this week:

So have a good weekend and more blogs to come in the week. 

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 

Thursday 6 June 2024

Getting anxious do you have the same feelings?

It is Thursday morning and week so far as been good and enjoyed a morning walk yesterday morning and posted on my blog site My Style way of living: My Style Way of Living and it was about life doesn't have to be too much. 

Picture I took yesterday walking through Ashtead

Do things you enjoy and aswell have time for yourself. I will be walking more today to my sons school and visiting a school today as we got to choose a secondary school for my son and so hope this school will be suitable. 

If you have any tips on know of schools in Surrey please let me know. You can leave a comment below. 

To continue this blog it is Friday and yesterday, we went to visit a school (me and my mum) and not suitable but coming back from sons school as I pick him up on Thursday's as he goes to an afterschool club got the train and it was so much better as we found a short cut and normally we get a bus which we usually have to wait 45 minutes for, so was a good result and was picked up from the station and beat the bus, so definitely will be getting the train again. 

Today I will be going to Kingston and getting anxious feelings as always and wanting to back out of it as I have an appointment and always get that feeling in my stomach and have a love hate relationship with it. 

I shared in my blog posts, everyone can build a castle about how it helps me because to make sure I take everything need, bought with me and if it doesn't workout or not lead to anything then not to worry it just wasn't meant to be. 

Its the build up of it and not knowing what to expect and getting back to Epsom on time and then I have my radio show in the evening as I do a show at Epsom Hospital and I do enjoy its just where I get up early it feels like a long day. 

I uploaded a new vlog yesterday if would check it out

At the weekend we are going into London and on a bus and train ride, and then it is getting ready for another week.

So I hope you have a good weekend and be back with more blogs to come.

If you'd like to be alerted of my daily blogs then please subscribe.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X 

Monday 3 June 2024

A good chilled out weekend

So it is Monday once again and it was good listening to a audiobook lastnight. I was listening to This Girl's on Fire by Andrea McLean before bed and read a bit of another book, The Power of Mindfulness:

The weekend was a good relaxing one and went on a Sunday walk in Epsom as it was my husband's birthday and I love my Sunday walks and think I am going to do this each Sunday and get up early to do so and the weather wasn't too bad and was wrapped up and time we got back I was boiling. 

Half term was good, seeing one of my cousins was good as we have our own lives and family and so don't get to see them a lot so always good when we can and they love visiting London and it was good that I got some days to myself whilst my son was at a holiday club and then Friday we went for a walk and saw some trains which pleased my son, which was also whilst we took a walk on the Sunday too and the weather wasn't great but still got to have a good week without worrying about school. 

Now it is a new week I am catching up on my daily blog, caught up some TV, check out Outlaws really good and funny, on BBC iPlayer and writing down food that needs to be used up and my first day back cooking and making dinner Friday as my husband has made it a must that we have a takeaway Fish n Chips each Friday. 

I want to clean more in the kitchen and decided to start walking on the treadmill in the morning when my son goes off to school when I want to stop in and still do my workout with my dumbbells in the afternoon. 

It is coming up the the time of when my son will be on his way back from school and settling down to have a bath and ready to wind down. It is bath day and I want to be able to wear shorts tomorrow but unsure I guess I will need to wait until tomorrow to decide, as I never know with English weather of what it is going to do, but I will blog and have a good rest of Monday. 

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X