Thursday, 27 January 2022

Days I feel super fatigued

 It has been 3 days that I have written using for my google blogspot platform,

I am enjoying it and really good discipline for me as a writer. I would recommend it and is a good way to start the day.

However right now I feel I could go back to bed and trying to brush the fatigue away, but that is because I do get up at different times because of doing the school run and I love my boy, but I do feel wiped out sometimes and takes time for the tiredness to wear off.

I am on medication that helps me sleep but like many medications it can take time to come a live and feeling fully energized.

I also think staying in one place all of the time doesn't help, but I am due to pop out soon. If you feel tired its your body telling you that you've got burn out so need a break and so last night I had a night off and has made all the difference as I did have a good sleep but took it easy this morning too. 

Now as I continue to draft this blog for today, that with a couple of coffees made the difference and I have tried decaf but for me is not the same. 

I feel I need to take a step back from some of the bits I do like doing videos for Youtube and concentrate on the other things I need to get done, but as I write this the voice in my head says, "Why not film a Truth About Parenting videos" that I film. Yet feel I do need to take a different approach.

The mind for me can be the steering wheel that can push you forward when you want to take a step back from something. 

I do have days where I do struggle and not gonna hide that because it has been like that for a long time and got into the mindset that I am always going to have those days, but when creating good habits I know I can get through those days and the make the next day better.

I am now ready for the day since typing this blog and do feel better for it. I did have my flu jab yesterday and think this could be playing a part of why I am feeling like I am. I am not unhappy its the tiredness I am feeling and feel perhaps I should take a week off from making videos and writing blogs and then focus on getting my new book finished and spend some days going to different places. 

I have an appointment today and so getting ready for that and then it is waiting in my son's other home for when he returns from school, and so will have a chance to watch some TV whilst I wait. 

I am going to go through my diary and gonna plan a week or so off and then get back to it for Spring. I do want to do something for Valentines day and create some baskets for my son and nieces. I used to be a Valentines day hater being on my own for a long time, but not be hater and to make the day my own. This year gonna create Henry my son a basket to celebrate it and want him to know about the special dates in the year.

I do want to do something for Pancake day, not sure if my son will ever be interested in this day but I do like to celebrate and acknowledge the day and so gonna treat my family I live with, with some Pancakes and Ice Cream. I know and I have high cholesterol but they can be healthy, just don't add any sugar but will be using my bottle of Maple Syrup with some lovely fruits. 

I am looking to hopefully doing some work outdoors and may have some work for half term, but with COVID I know a lot can end up being cancelled. It is a shame but I suppose unlike Boris some of us are following the guidelines. Honestly what an idiot Boris is. 

I am a lady of lists and not realising I have completed more tasks, example my budget I like to create each year and separating the things I often buy, how much I want to spend, and writing my 750 words and did some walking for the day to my son's home. 

For me is it all about saving myself time and prioritising. I never see myself as being organized but looking at the tasks I complete that I am actually am, but just a word I often try to avoid.  

If you'd like to read more of my blogs then you can do so, check out my Pinterest where I share a lot of content and if you'd like to visit my Youtube channels and I also write books, on, and are written via my 3 names, Carrie Challoner, Carrie Lee Holmes and Carrie Holmes. 

My channels are under these titles:

  • typicallondongal
  • mystylewayofliving
  • carrieseducationalyoutubechannel
Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 

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