Monday 16 September 2024

Rugby Weekend/Watching Sport

So today was a normal one. After a week of sickness, my son had a Chest Infection, he returned to school and was a good day. I stayed in. The weekend was good. We went to Twickenham to see the England Rugby Ladies and they won. Then on Sunday my son went to his rugby club and I did my radio. My show is on Epsom Hospital Radio at 4 to 6 and so was good that my son is better and he got to see his school friends whilst I got bits done for the week. 

Picture I took on Saturday watching the England Ladies Rugby Team 

It good that the ladies get to play at the huge stadiums and they did have a good turn out. There were lots of families and my brother and his wife and kids went with other people we know. 

Rugby is such a great way to meet new people and I loved it when I would follow the London Broncos. 

It is good to see our international teams, men and ladies, because it so good to see so many people forget their worries for 80 or 90 minutes, depending on the sport. 

I never used to like football, but when I began to see how great it was, I became addicted and love going to see athletics and would love to go and see that again. 

The rugby club that my son goes to is an all inclusive team, which is for children with learning difficulties and of different ages and so welcoming and everyone is so friendly. Check out Wimbledon RFC and it took a long time to find one, but so glad we did. 

My son has ADHD and Development Delay and so he won't really make conversation but loves other children and want him to never feel limited in what ever he wants to do and life be restricting for him, to follow his dreams and ambitions. 

Sport should be for all and glad we have the Paralympics and wheelchair tennis and walking football teams and clubs. It is great for kids to have social interaction. Forming relationships and that my son is happy. He loves other children and we now on the hunt for a good secondary school for him.

This is taking its time but being that he is at his third Primary school, because the first two schools couldn't cater to his needs, don't want him to change secondary schools so is important that we find a school to help him grow. He is kind and will say hello but he will often be with himself and talk to his self a lot and there are people who can be unsure of him. 

He not overly naughty, but has bags of energy and gets to the point, he doesn't know what to do with himself and so it is good that he can go somewhere, where he can let off some steam and energy. 

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X 

Monday 9 September 2024

The National Health Service in the UK

Oh what a day Friday was. My son had to go to the hospital because his heart rate was a bit high and found out that he has a chest infection, and thankful that Henry managed to get an appointment and then was told to go to the hospital and glad I did, as he temperature was going up and down. 

My son this was a couple of weeks ago when he was well and hope he gets better 

Henry was so good, he got a bit upset as he wanted to go over to Wimbledon to see his grandparents but it was getting later and later so we went there on Saturday morning, and is antibiotics and just reminds me that never take chances. If your kids are sick call your GP or take them to the hospital to be on the safe side and to get an appointment you have to go all around the houses. You have to fill an online form and then they call you if you are able to see a doctor or nurse and relieved I got an appointment. 

It turned out that Henry has a chest infection and so on antibiotics. 

This means he will miss school as the doctor at the hospital said that he must rest and allow the infection to clear and that if it gets worse or doesn't seem to be getting better to go back. 

The doctors were and nurses were excellent and I don't think I could do health care as it is a very demanding job and they have deal with a lot. 

Many may see well they knew what the job involved, but we need doctors and nurses to help us when we get sick. It would be nice if the whole world and every thing in the world could be healthy but that isn't reality and that people get sick, especially kids. 

We've going to see the doctor at 10am so see how that goes. I am a bit nervous but that's natural because your kids are your life and glad that he can get help as many countries it is a lot harder and often enough don't have the resources like we do here. 

I watch Call the Midwife and I read the book and it reminds us how far we have come when it comes to hospitals and medical care. There have been reports of hospital staff doing bad things like there was a doctor who was injecting woman with his blood and was HIV positive and then there is the Lucy Letby and she was killing babies but you hear those cases and is news because most staff are caring and took my son back to the doctors today and was fine, but I bought some more Calpol and lost it so I had to go back, but my son he is a trooper and we bought some more but now he is chilling and rest is one of the best things. 

What experiences have you had with the National Health Service? 

You can leave a comment below.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X 

Thursday 5 September 2024

The Days of School

My sons second day back at school and noticed today that one of the local secondary school is open but later and it made me think about my school days. I dreaded it as they would make you do the beep test and do a run around the school, and at the time was one of the last things I wanted to do. 

This was food that my son made at school

I am from West London and my primary school was a school called St Pauls, which is in Hammersmith and my Secondary school was in Westminster and where my mum worked and didn't want anyone to know that she was my mother, because I feared I'd might get bullied, but actually it didn't and got a bit of respect because of it. The teachers however didn't know and it was only on parents evenings that they realised but wouldn't get away with bad behaviour as they'd go straight to my mum, so didn't always have its benefits. 

The school dinners I did not enjoy and very different now. With my son I pick the meals using an APP where when I was a school it was a canteen and you queued up unless you packed lunch with I did go on too because I did not like the school dinners and what influenced my choices and was super fussy. 

It is good that the meals are a lot better and my son was fussy but started to eat his vegetables again and there have been a part of the year where my son wasn't eating his dinners because he wanted chocolate. That has now changed and is now eating his meals again and not wanting to binge off of snacks. 

I know it has to come from me and my sons dad, to make sure our son is healthy but not depriving him in anyway. 

It is important to eat good food that you enjoy and I have been working on my own eating habits as my cholesterol was a bit high again, but no longer have diabetes and want it to stay that way and improve my health by eating more sensibly and that gives me more energy and not feel guilty. This was something I did a lot was feel guilty about food I consumed. 

Educating people/children about good foods and that help them get the right nutrients in their body is to be taken seriously and that they are nutritious and helps them to grow and develop and still having a treat or too but not all of the time.

So what were your school dinners like at school? You can reply by the comment box below.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X  


Monday 2 September 2024

Last day spending a day with my son before school is back

Today is the last day before my son returns to school and been swimming and had a McDonalds and walked back to build our steps as it is a fair distance from the leisure centre and now my son is having a snooze. 

Paddling Pool in Eastbourne and wasn't expensive and will be going back as there is plenty to do for your kids and have a holiday.

There have a been few turbulence as whilst picking bits for dinner he was picking random things up and wanting to walk in the opposite direction when going home, but all is alright again and I think it was tiredness as that's when he can be a monster. 

I am looking forward to a day to myself and that it is okay to have that time, because it is good to have some space, whilst my son is learning at school. It will help me adjust back to the school days and time to myself and have some plans, such as going for a coffee and doing some writing outdoors and go for a walk. 

It has been a quick six week, but I am ready for a new year and then their is half term in October to make plans and I have birthdays, including mine and going to see if there will be any firework display that I can take him too.

Not sure if there are going to afterschool clubs that my son can go to as he enjoyed them last school year and having swimming lessons again.

Here are some of my highlights  of this years summer holidays:

  • Visiting the RAF museum
  • Going for walks along the river London and Surrey
  • The picnic in Surbiton 
  • Going to Portsmouth Harbour 
  • Going to Eastbourne
What were you highlights of the Summer Holidays 2024 and were there places you'd like to go back to or ones you didn't get around to seeing. You can share in the comments section below. 
Eastbourne is a great place to go and will be going back, and in October going to see if I can book a trip to Guildford and wouldn't mind taking a visit there. 
I have bought tickets to see Hairspray at the Wimbledon Theatre and have booked tickets for this years pantomime at the Wimbledon Theatre and got a lot to look forward to even when it will cold and hope I get the chance to visit a Christmas Market and having a festive coffee. 

I hope you have enjoyed my blogs I shared about the things I did during the school holidays and will be sharing more of my Autumn and Winter. 

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X