Friday 23 August 2024

Unplanned Walk Summer Holidays 2024

So yesterday I with my mum and step dad to Hampton Court and walked to Kingston and was unplanned and I love that it can be one of the best times and being spontaneous. 

Photo I took of Kingston Bridge

 Yes I still got my to do list I create on notion done, like I did start the last unit of my Counselling course and posted a blog and edited a vlog 

It was nice walking along the river and we did sit down in parts as my step dad has bad legs, but it was just good see Hampton Court Palace and the houses and the boats. There were families cycling together and runners and so peaceful. 

We went to have a bite to eat and it was alright. We had some chicken wings but was read inside and so wouldn't return but there are other places along the river, but it does get busy so to get anywhere to eat, a table you have to get there early before lunchtime. 

Hampton is good for scenery and Kingston is buzzing as it is a shopping town and so if you like to shop then it is a good place to go.

I have before now walked from Kingston to Richmond which is a good walk and from Chiswick to Richmond, which I did with my mum and it is good to have a friend with you, but also like to walk alone too and helps with my mind stay healthy. 

I had a good nights sleep, woke up early and got bits done before my son got up this morning and felt so good and want to do more walks and is one of my favourites things that helps to stay feeling good and just taking in what is around you, and didn't have any music on and just looked around me and if you know of some good walks then please share. You can leave a comment below and why you love walking too.

It is good to walk and just have that time to think whilst you feet walk and different places that are safe but enjoyable and exploring. 

The school holidays have been good and did a few unplanned days, like my mum took us to the RAF museum which was good to see as my son loves planes and it was so nice to see, booked to go and see a Rugby League match, I support the London Broncos and got to go on the pitch and was booked last minute and again going to Battersea and it has been so much fun. 

There have been times that I have felt anxious about it, and there have been parts where I felt that, like taking him swimming because we had to book somewhere else and was worried about getting there, but was fine and was enjoyable and so got two or so weeks left of the 2024 Summer Holidays and going to see what else we can do before school starts again. 

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie  X 

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