Tuesday 27 August 2024

Picnic in the park

Yesterday was so nice, having a picnic in a park in Surbiton. It was organised by my brother and Henry played, and did play up a little because he wanted to use a smaller rugby ball, another smaller boy wanted to play with it so that was a challenge, but then stopped and played and glad that the sun was out and they have a playground there and yes a real change and sad that this is it for bank holidays for 2025.

In Alexander Park Surbiton

I am getting nervous about next week and getting things organised, like my sons transport to school, got to get a few more bits in terms of uniforms...this I hope will be done by end of today, so that is one thing that I want to get done and out of the way. 

There is organising Henry's meals for school and then making sure he has items for his sports day and then it is sorting out meals at home, as been lucky this Summer Holidays, I haven't had to make many meals and cook, so been thankful for that and so it is back to normality. Back in the kitchen.

I will be starting my Autumn reset to get many of my projects still to do completed, and so I will be sharing more on that, as we get to the end of August and change of season. 

Today I put a post up on my Instagram, look up Typical London gal and will included in my vlogs and will be posting blogs on my site Everyone can build a castle.

This year I really feel that life can be easy and it is how you go about it and keep it simple, as it doesn't have to be hard work. I avoid the pressure by just taking my time and being present with myself and be thankful for all that I have got. It has been an enjoyable summer and took some good trips to places. No I didn't go abroad or stayed anywhere, but I am sure that will happen, just not this year and I am fine with that. 

My son is growing everyday so want to make the most of the holidays and he has been a rascal at times and not always happy, but we got through it and I really enjoyed our walks we did, from Strawberry Hill to Richmond and Hampton Court to Kingston, having coffee up at Wimbledon Village and visiting Portsmouth. 

So it has been a lots of fun, so going to enjoy the last three days of the Summer Holidays and hope that we have extra sunny days.

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X

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