Friday 30 August 2024

Coming to the End of Summer 2024

 Today is the last day of the Summer School Holidays and it has been really good. I have 't felt that stressed and it has flown by. I find that the years go even faster as you reach your mid age and so everyday is another day to add to my life. 

I am realising that it is okay to just stop and just be quiet and I love having the TV off whilst I read and I have read a lot this summer and some really good books which I will share via blog, My Books and Stories 

My son loves his holiday club and that grateful for having some time to myself and just stay local some days and do bits I don't always get to do, like watch documentaries as I don't always have access to Netflix, Paramount or Prime but thinking of getting it on my laptop because I am loving the documentaries. 

Today my son took is scooter to one of the local parks, met my mum for a coffee, then my son wanted to go on a bus and train ride. So we took the 164 bus from Wimbledon to Sutton Station and looked around Sutton as it has been a long time since we last visited Sutton, and there is a shopping centre in there now with Primark and some really nice coffee shops on the ground floor and will be taking another trip there as it was a change and then got the train back to Hayden's road and then later had some food in All Bar One in Wimbledon. Tomorrow we are going to meet Henry's dad to get him some new school shoes, then back to Epsom and then it is school again. 

Do check out Eastbourne as it was such a great trip and will be returning and now my for the first time doesn't want to go to school as he has enjoyed himself so much and feel very lucky in that we have family who can take us to different places and going on the train to Portsmouth Harbour, walking from Strawberry Hill to Richmond, check out my previous daily blogs. 

So it is now Friday evening and so going to stay up for a bit longer and then it will be sleep time and been getting bits ready for my sons return to school that I am little nervous, getting things prepared for my son's returns to school, like sorting out his lunches, his unform, his transport and send my sons videos of him reading, that was asked and he has done well and making changes so he reads more challenging books to help with his learning and that he continues to develop his skills and building his independence as this is his final year at Primary school, and we (my mum and I) looking for secondary schools. 

There are more blogs to come and I hope you have had a good Summer, by having lots of fun too.

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 


Thursday 29 August 2024

Lovely Day at the Seaside

Today we went to Eastbourne and was planned last minute, and why I am grateful to have the family in my life as I do have a kind of fear going far away when its just me and Henry. I would like to take him away on my own but I want him to be fully independent before I do so and make sure I feel safe so he feels the same. 

Picture I took in Eastbourne and was so nice and recommend to visit Eastbourne as it was a good day out.

It took me a while to take him out where he lives in Epsom and Wimbledon because he would be a nightmare to take him to different places, when it came to home time and it would be a lots of tears and tantrums, to get him home and then he wants to go somewhere else and I feel overwhelmed by it.

So Eastbourne. The first toilet I used was grouse, but if you walk on near the pier there are better ones and I bought some donuts which I haven't had in a long time and being near the seaside I felt I must, then we played in the amusements, picked up some fudge, which melted and naught and my son had a little dip in the sea. There is a paddling pool too, with a crazy golf and a nice restaurant called, The Beach Deck and was very nice, and then drove on and then there was a lighthouse. 

There are places to eat and drink on the pier and would like to go back there again and played in the amusements for a bit, so going to look at booking a holiday there and see more. 

You can get there by train, and apparently the train station is not that far away and there are many caravan parks, hence why I want to go back there, and be near the seaside so going to chat with my husband to see if he'd like to go there. 

I did post on my Instagram showing different pictures and was a lovely day. It was nice to be beside the seaside, seeing the English coast and I really think we should be looking after our seaside resorts and some parts did look a bit neglected, but any how it was great to visit and just nice to visit different places on home soil, not that I wouldn't go abroad again as I definitely would but, for a weekend of a day out, it was nice and I want to visit more seaside places and explore. 

If you have any recommendations then please share. You can leave a comment below. 

So going to say goodnight and will post again this week and share more. 

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Picnic in the park

Yesterday was so nice, having a picnic in a park in Surbiton. It was organised by my brother and Henry played, and did play up a little because he wanted to use a smaller rugby ball, another smaller boy wanted to play with it so that was a challenge, but then stopped and played and glad that the sun was out and they have a playground there and yes a real change and sad that this is it for bank holidays for 2025.

In Alexander Park Surbiton

I am getting nervous about next week and getting things organised, like my sons transport to school, got to get a few more bits in terms of uniforms...this I hope will be done by end of today, so that is one thing that I want to get done and out of the way. 

There is organising Henry's meals for school and then making sure he has items for his sports day and then it is sorting out meals at home, as been lucky this Summer Holidays, I haven't had to make many meals and cook, so been thankful for that and so it is back to normality. Back in the kitchen.

I will be starting my Autumn reset to get many of my projects still to do completed, and so I will be sharing more on that, as we get to the end of August and change of season. 

Today I put a post up on my Instagram, look up Typical London gal and will included in my vlogs and will be posting blogs on my site Everyone can build a castle.

This year I really feel that life can be easy and it is how you go about it and keep it simple, as it doesn't have to be hard work. I avoid the pressure by just taking my time and being present with myself and be thankful for all that I have got. It has been an enjoyable summer and took some good trips to places. No I didn't go abroad or stayed anywhere, but I am sure that will happen, just not this year and I am fine with that. 

My son is growing everyday so want to make the most of the holidays and he has been a rascal at times and not always happy, but we got through it and I really enjoyed our walks we did, from Strawberry Hill to Richmond and Hampton Court to Kingston, having coffee up at Wimbledon Village and visiting Portsmouth. 

So it has been a lots of fun, so going to enjoy the last three days of the Summer Holidays and hope that we have extra sunny days.

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X

Friday 23 August 2024

Unplanned Walk Summer Holidays 2024

So yesterday I with my mum and step dad to Hampton Court and walked to Kingston and was unplanned and I love that it can be one of the best times and being spontaneous. 

Photo I took of Kingston Bridge

 Yes I still got my to do list I create on notion done, like I did start the last unit of my Counselling course and posted a blog and edited a vlog 

It was nice walking along the river and we did sit down in parts as my step dad has bad legs, but it was just good see Hampton Court Palace and the houses and the boats. There were families cycling together and runners and so peaceful. 

We went to have a bite to eat and it was alright. We had some chicken wings but was read inside and so wouldn't return but there are other places along the river, but it does get busy so to get anywhere to eat, a table you have to get there early before lunchtime. 

Hampton is good for scenery and Kingston is buzzing as it is a shopping town and so if you like to shop then it is a good place to go.

I have before now walked from Kingston to Richmond which is a good walk and from Chiswick to Richmond, which I did with my mum and it is good to have a friend with you, but also like to walk alone too and helps with my mind stay healthy. 

I had a good nights sleep, woke up early and got bits done before my son got up this morning and felt so good and want to do more walks and is one of my favourites things that helps to stay feeling good and just taking in what is around you, and didn't have any music on and just looked around me and if you know of some good walks then please share. You can leave a comment below and why you love walking too.

It is good to walk and just have that time to think whilst you feet walk and different places that are safe but enjoyable and exploring. 

The school holidays have been good and did a few unplanned days, like my mum took us to the RAF museum which was good to see as my son loves planes and it was so nice to see, booked to go and see a Rugby League match, I support the London Broncos and got to go on the pitch and was booked last minute and again going to Battersea and it has been so much fun. 

There have been times that I have felt anxious about it, and there have been parts where I felt that, like taking him swimming because we had to book somewhere else and was worried about getting there, but was fine and was enjoyable and so got two or so weeks left of the 2024 Summer Holidays and going to see what else we can do before school starts again. 

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie  X 

Sunday 18 August 2024

Enjoying the Summer Holidays 2024

Today is a start of doing my own radio show and I am nervous, but excited at the same time and praying that it goes well. It is good to put yourself out there as this is something I have dreamed about and that your dreams can come true and taking it show by show. 

I like to do things that I never thought I could do and it has become naturally to me and I love music, so for me it is a perfect job to do and I really have been enjoying it, as I began doing Friday evenings as part of my training and so today I flew solo and it really went well.

The River Thames from Richmond Bridge 

It is good to have a job that you look forward to and this is the one.

So if you wanted to listen to my show you can in the UK and is 4 to 6 every Sunday.

The summer holidays have been good, we walked from Strawberry Hill to Richmond and it was long but I really enjoyed it and love it. As I was walking it made me see I have always done it and again is natural to me as I would walk from my home in Hammersmith to Earls Court to see my nan so I have always walked and enjoying building my steps. 

On Friday we went to Portsmouth Harbour and got stuck driving a boat but was good fun and could have stayed later but we were worrying getting back too late, and was a long journey.

I also took my son swimming which I was anxious about as we didn't got to our usual place, but worked out well and I really want to get back into swimming if it is possible and hobby I want to be consistent and walking, to build myself up to do running again. 

I have really enjoyed this summer holidays and I love a day out and still got two weeks left. 

Today my son goes to a holiday club and means I have a bit of time for myself, so will be spending time on catching up for Sunday, going through my finances, want to declutter and go through my clothes, I want to continue doing a course I have enrolled on and planning for my next radio show.

 I have been working on my book series Mum&Me and working on book 2 and still waiting for my book When Mothers Are Real to be edited and proofread and so hope that this can be completed by Christmas and going to start on a Christmas Book. 

So lets get ready for a new week and if you want to be notified when I post on this blog site then please subscribe.

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X