Tuesday, 19 April 2022

The Easter Holidays 2022

Welcome back to my daily blog, I took a break from blogging on this site whilst on holiday for the Easter holidays and spent time doing a bit of outside work at a holiday club and then second week with my son, and now it is back to normal with school starting again and it was enjoyable the Easter Holidays, but do feel ready for the usual routine of school and getting up super early and continue with writing and travelling a lot, whilst looking for other outdoor work.

What I am looking forward to is walking and reading in between travelling to do the school run, walking along by the Local River in London, and thinking about going swimming again and doing some indoor workouts. I want to work and write in a coffee shop for some days and having a coffee and writing in a park. Just exploring and writing and doing some more outdoor work doing different things, and making the most of my time. 

I find a lot of good ideas come from walking and visiting different places, grab a coffee on the way which I often write about, as it just helps me have peace and good for wellness and managing the mind. Feeling stressed can weigh you down, and with walking it helps clear all that and be present and focus on what is around me. When living in England you never know what the weather is like until you get outdoors but never stops. I may walk a shorter route on rainy days, but when it is sunny I like to walk and take it all in managing my thoughts and fears and enjoy life. 

I never want stress dictate but be put a ease by enjoying my own company aswell with other people and just let me feet move, and not fast but a good pace so I can really feel the enjoyment of being outdoors and that is what I did when taking my son out. I want Henry to love walking too as it is good exercise it gets us both out and enjoying our time. He does a lot of moaning but when he gets to see the trains, everything is right again and I want him to enjoy trains and helicopters, and my company. 

I find when he gets to see the things he loves eases the stress of being a parent and has helped us to bond. He wants to be just excited about these things as much as he finds them, so I do. 

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 


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