Monday, 10 February 2025

A bit of sick weekend

Not been the best weekend as I have been sick and still feel groggy even today. I am not someone who gets sick all of the time, so when I do it knocks me off my feet. 

My Honey and Lemon tea 

It has been nice to do nothing and Mel Robbins says it is good to do nothing and so been watching the football and the rugby and catching up on The Mask Singer. 

I am going to be doing things where I can be off my laptop. I just need a bit of a break. I didn't even do my radio show this week, which I had planned but being that the studio is in the hospital. Wouldn't have been a good idea, because of the spread of germs, but hopefully do my show next week instead. 

You have to think logically sometimes and health has to be top of the list of priorities and felt good to just chill and feel a lot better but still not going to do much today. I tidied my sons socks. I am going to create my writing journal and plan for a new book I have started to write and create my sheet cheat for the start of the week and do more tidying up.

I like to do one minute tasks and going to be making mash potato, use the beef my husband roasted, with vegetables and going to attempt making Yorkshires again, as they were okay but not great so see how we get on. 

My appetite has not been good so I didn't eat the spuds or much of the beef, but some of the vegetables, so yes its been really turbulent. I been drinking juice which I don't drink all of the time and eating fruit. So in one respect probably not too bad and want to change my eating habits.

One drink I do like to have when not well is Honey and Lemon Tea. A must when I am unwell. I think once I have my coffee going to have a herbal tea. 

Keep hydrated, is a must in my book and as long as I am drinking not going to worry about my appetite and listen to my body. I have been achy so not done any weight training or my usual Pilates type of exercise. I know if I did it would not benefit but be counter productive. 

I hope to be back on the mend by end of the week and getting back to film for my Self Development training please see my Educational Youtube channel. Be creating my Cheat Sheet and just take it day by day. 

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X 

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