Sunday, 26 January 2025

Weekend of Sports and games

It has been such a good Saturday. Parkrun was challenging but really enjoyed it. I was talking to one of volunteers who assisted you around the course. They often assist the junior runs too and do the course three to four times to make sure the route is sign posted and that okay to do the run but you can walk it too which is what I am doing at the moment to build up to running again.

Bushy Park

 Then I went to see my brother play rugby and played cricket with my son and watched some TV. 

Bushy Park is huge and where my brother was playing and saw some dear, they had a club house and would love to walk around there again. 

It is good to have days out and being in a different environment. I love living near London and Surrey, but there is West Sussex too. Arundel Castle is a great place to visit and was planning to get married there but was very expensive so chose to marry in Southampton in a Tudor Hall. 

In the evening we, my son and I, tried to do build a Domino Rally. A gift he got for Christmas and takes me back to my childhood. It used to be a regular thing to have. Almost everyone I knew had a set of Dominoes and a pack of playing cards. Whenever I went to my grandparents we'd play. I like Rummy, 8's and 2's and patience which is now called Solitaire and my son plays it on his tablet. 

Classic games always last and drafts. I am going to get a set for my son to play as we did have set but not sure at to where it is but did play drafts with my son when he was younger and connect four.

At Christmas time the adults would play crib and pontoon. I always dreamed of being old enough to play as my parents and relatives would play for money and play with their loose change, whilst having a drink of some, along with the TV on and would end the evenings we had. 

When I went to my brothers we played a card game. It was good fun. My son has Lingo on his tablet along with crosswords and tipping point. He watches an episode on his tablet playing whilst using his tipping point machine pretending to be the host. I loved as a kid making up games. There are games that are still popular. My son got out his skittles, a magnetic dartboard and my husband bought the real one and play many sports at the weekends. 

He goes to a rugby club on Sundays and did today. They have a inclusive team which my son is part of and it is children who have learning difficulties and disabilities and the coaches are brilliant. They have nice club house to get a drink or food and then I go and do a radio show which is a charity. Epsom and St Helier Hospital radio stations and I do a show on Sunday 4pm to 6pm. Its so enjoyable. 

Tomorrow I am stopping in. It is good when I have nowhere to go. I do like walking but I will use the treadmill and do a workout with my weights. I am building the strength in my legs and help prepare me for when I walk to my sons school in the week and Parkrun. 

So have a good week and I will be posting more blogs on this site and so, If you'd like to notified when I post on this site then please subscribe.

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 


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